Posts tagged Birth Photography
It's a BOY for Nazli and Henry | Dubai Birth Photographer

Natural Hospital Birth Photography In Dubai, UAE


I met Nazli and Henry when Nazli was only 32 weeks pregnant. I remember leaving their home feeling completely invigorated by the love they have built into their lives, and I really hoped that I would be able to shoot their birth story. It is always incredibly special if you're able to make it to a birth, specially as a photographer, because things can sometimes happen so quickly that you might miss it all!

Nazli's due date rolled by. We both waited patiently for baby to announce the right time to begin it's journey. Finally, a few days later, I got a text from Henry indicating that things might be starting to happen *Butterflies* The next morning, I got another text from Henry at around 6am that Nazli's checked into the hospital. A couple of hours later I made my way out to meet them. It was finally happening!

Walking into the labor and delivery room, I had the exact same feeling I had when I walked into their home just some weeks earlier, and then watching them as a couple work together through the contractions as they came in. Breathe in. Breathe out. Embracing. Synchronized. Like a couple of surfers attached at the hip, riding those waves as they came in. My God. It was beautiful. God Bless them!

Nazli and Henry, thank you so much for trusting me with this incredible honor. Wishing your new family of three lots of love, harmony and peace, and can't wait to see you guys all again!


Aimee's Birth Story | Dubai Birth Photographer

Cesarean Birth Photography In Dubai, UAE


Aimee and Warren just welcomed their first born sons; two perfect, little miracles. I feel extremely honored and blessed to have been welcomed so freely into their private space, and to have been able to be present with them throughout the entire delivery process. Just being allowed into the operating room to capture this miraculous time is an experience that will be engrained in me forever. Birth is my absolute favorite thing to document. I know this because I always cry every time I see a baby/babies emerge. And they are most definitely the happiest of tears.